If you are hurting . . .
. . . especially as a result of someone else’s hatred, I want you to know that this world wouldn’t be the same without you. Even if you don’t believe it, you have touched someone’s life. You have caused ripple effects that have touched other people’s lives. If you had never been born, the world would have been different. If you cease to exist, the world will be different. You are more than the bullies that hurt you, more than the thoughts that torment you. I know that there may be many people out there who don’t understand, but I promise you that for every handful of people who don’t, there is at least one who does. I want you to know that there are people out there who care about you and love you: people you know and even people who haven’t even met you. I care about you. If I could take away all your pain I would, and there are hundreds, thousands, millions of others out there who would too. Remember that you do not deserve hate. That no human being deserves hate. Remember that hate only comes from those who are too vulnerable to love. Hate comes from insecurity, ignorance, jealousy, pain. Remember that tomorrow is a new day. That next year is a new year. That high school only lasts for four years. That college only lasts for four years. That you have so many years ahead of you to find happiness, strength, peace. That you are not defined by your past or by the people who hurt you. Remember that if you are ever in need of help you can always find people to talk to, phone numbers of lifelines available 24/7, free online chat services, and other resources on The Trevor Project, To Write Love On Her Arms, The National Bullying Prevention Center, Compassion Pit, and so many other websites. Please remember. Things will get better. And until they do, I wish you all the strength in the world to move past all of these hard times and towards a bright future filled with happiness.
(This post was originally written on February, 11th, 2013 on my tumblr.)